Cambodia Geography

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Thanks for Donation, ABA BANK ( 001022193 )

Release Notes

2021-07-11 . Multi languages (EN/KH) support
2021-07-02 . Cambodia Interactive Map, Detail of Province, and Reference Page
2021-06-16 . Adding latitude, longitudes, abbreviation, and boundary of each province
2021-06-14 . Task scheduling to import data from NCDD to Cambodia Geography Database
2021-06-13 . Applied task scheduling to generate latest data for public downloading

See More...

Banteay Meanchey Battambang Kampong Cham Kampong Chhnang Kampong Speu Kampong Thom Kampot Phnom Penh Kandal Koh Kong Kratie Mondulkiri Preah Vihear Prey Veng Pursat Ratanakiri Siem Reap Preah Sihanouk Stung Treng Svay Rieng Takeo Oddar Meanchey Kep Pailin Tbong Kmoum Tonle Sap

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Capital . Province


Municipality . District . Khan


Commune . Sangkat


